A hegyi kunyhó gondnokának naplója
A hegyi kunyhó gondnokának naplója
Mountain hut caretaker’s diary
Dear Visitor,
Greetings from the picturesque Vršič mountain pass, home to Erjavčeva Mountain Hut!
We hope you find this message a source of joy and inspiration for new adventures. As caretakers of Erjavčeva Mountain Hut, nestled amidst the magnificent mountains of Vršič, we have embarked on a journey that we are excited to share with you.
A hegyi kunyhó gondnokának naplója
We are already writing new material, and we will publish it shortly.
Till then, enjoy your time and your life.
Tisztelettel és a legjobb kívánságokkal,
Az Erjavčeva Hegyi Hütte gondnoka
